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Early implementation of WHO recommendations for the retention of health workers in remote and rural areas | WHO

In 2010, the World Health Organization (WHO) addressed the long-standing problem of the maldistribution of health workers. First, it facilitated intergovernmental negotiations that led to the adoption – by all of WHO’s Member States – of a code of practice for the international recruitment of health personnel.
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Second, it established a global task force to examine the adverse effects of the intra-country relocation of health workers – mainly from rural to urban areas – which then developed 16 evidence-based recommendations for the improved retention of health workers in remote and rural areas. 

Although no systematic approach to collect in-depth information about the implementation of these recommendations has yet been made, this paper provides broad details of progress across two regions, and more specific details of the lessons learnt in using these recommendations in two countries.

Early implementation of WHO recommendations for the retention of health workers in remote and rural areas | WHO Reviewed by Unknown on 11:18 PM Rating: 5

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