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Readmissions 'Drop Like a Rock' with Predictive Modeling

Predictive modeling offers the key to understanding which healthcare services most affect utilization, readmissions, and payment, and how to tackle the outliers. These analytics are within the grasp of any healthcare system.

In this article Scott Mace (senior technology editor at HealthLeaders Media ) analyses the possibilities of "preditive modeling" based on the knowledge and experience of some organizations. Some statements from the article:

"There's a predictive range where you should put your resources, and the resource is a home visit,"
"You get started. You discover something. You try something. It doesn't work. You figure something else out. It's sort of like groping around in the dark in a room until you find the light switch."
"We've lowered our readmissions by2 or 3%, which has us on the right track, so we're encouraged by that,"
Readmissions 'Drop Like a Rock' with Predictive Modeling Reviewed by Unknown on 10:08 AM Rating: 5

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