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What's Wrong With Healthcare Quality Measures? Part I | Health Leaders

"We need to measure the hell out of healthcare to help us compare one organization or system with others. I believe measuring quality helps healthcare systems improve. But I also believe that we can measure healthcare quality a lot better than we do."
"But we have a ton of work to do to make our evaluations meaningful to leaders, to providers, to patients, and to the public. With the system as it is, too many organizations just use this imperfection as grounds for inattention."

Part 1 list:
  1. There are too many rating systems.
  2. Ratings are often inaccurate. 
  3. The ratings are based on old data.
  4. There's too much in the middle.
  5. Only some diseases are evaluated.
  6. Emphasis for most measures from process to outcome is still evolving. 
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Part 2 list:

  1. Quality Measures Come and Go 
  2. Variables are Inconsistent 
  3. Poor Competence is Hidden
  4. There are Too Many Measures

What's Wrong With Healthcare Quality Measures? Part I | Health Leaders Reviewed by Juan C on 7:00 AM Rating: 5
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