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A comparative analysis of early child health and development services and outcomes in countries with different redistributive policies | BMC Public Health

The social environment is a fundamental determinant of early child development and, in turn, early child development is a determinant of health, well-being, and learning skills across the life course. 
Redistributive policies aimed at reducing social inequalities, such as a welfare state and labour market policies, have shown a positive association with selected health indicators. In this study, the authors investigated the influence of redistributive policies specifically on the social environment of early child development in five countries with different political traditions. The objective of this analysis was to highlight similarities and differences in social and health services between the countries and their associations with other health outcomes that can inform better global early child development policies and improve early child health and development.

A comparative analysis of early child health and development services and outcomes in countries with different redistributive policies | BMC Public Health Reviewed by Juan C on 7:00 AM Rating: 5
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