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Antibiotic resistance—the need for global solutions | The Lancet

The causes of antibiotic resistance are complex and include human behaviour at many levels of society; the consequences affect everybody in the world. Similarities with climate change are evident. 
Many efforts have been made to describe the many different facets of antibiotic resistance and the interventions needed to meet the challenge. However, coordinated action is largely absent, especially at the political level, both nationally and internationally. 
Within just a few years, we might be faced with dire setbacks, medically, socially, and economically, unless real and unprecedented global coordinated actions are immediately taken. 
The authors describe the global situation of antibiotic resistance, its major causes and consequences, and identify key areas in which action is urgently needed.

Antibiotic resistance—the need for global solutions | The Lancet Reviewed by Unknown on 1:01 PM Rating: 5
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